Cannabis to the Rescue Part II: Non-THC and CBD Uses For Hemp

Cannabis to the Rescue Part II: Non-THC and CBD Uses For Hemp

In Cannabis to the Rescue: Part 1, we addressed the direct economic impact that tax revenue from THC-based cannabis can bring to states and municipalities. In this post, we are changing gears to begin a new discussion on how non-THC/CBD use cases for cannabis hold the potential to revitalize our economies and overall well-being.

First, let’s address their nutritional value.

Odds are, that you have already seen hemp seed products in your supermarket. You may have wondered “What are they for?” or “How am I supposed to consume those?”

Proteins & Amino Acids

The dietary requirements of humans are not for protein per se, but for specific amounts of essential amino acids (building blocks of protein). According to a research report published in the scientific journal Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety: “Hemp protein provides all the essential amino acids with a well balanced profile.”

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs)

According to American Heart Association, polyunsaturated fats can help reduce bad cholesterol levels in your blood which can lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. The oil extracted from hemp seeds is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially the linoleic (Omega-6) and α-linolenic (Omega-3) acids with a desirable ratio between 2:1 and 3:1 for optimal health.(*)

There are multiple studies, including one from Canadian Centre for Agri-food Research in Health and Medicine(*), which confirm that hemp seeds reduce cholesterol levels.

Now let’s check out the product options.

Cold-Pressed Hemp Seed Oil: Great for use in salads! Victory Hemp only uses high quality US-grown hemp and does extensive testing to make sure that you are getting clean and pure hemp seed oil.

Hemp “Hearts” (Unshelled): Could be used in salads, smoothies or eaten straight out of the bag as a snack! Eaton Hemp grows and sells organic hemp hearts that were grown in the US.

Hemp Seeds (Roasted): Can be consumed in roasted form with a pleasant taste and a light crunch. Victory Hemp sells a 5 pound bag of organic roasted seeds for just $25!

Hemp Seeds in Dark Chocolate: A must-try! The hemp seeds are roasted first to provide a nice crunch, and the dark chocolate complements with it’s taste. Natierra makes them really well!

Hemp Beer: We are big fans of The Hemperor HPA, which utilizes US-grown hemp seeds and hemp terpenes.

As you can see, from a sample of the research above, hemp seeds carry a lot of nutritional value with optimal ratios of essential nutrients. As the population becomes more and more aware of this, people will become at least a bit healthier and the farmers who are growing these seeds will not only make a living, but will be able to contribute to their local economies. That is why we encourage you to buy the brands that use US-grown hemp to support our farmers.